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The C word was taken from the hit show the “L” word on hit show Showtime. However, the letter below isn’t about LGBTQ or any other C word. It’s about COVID, which has been showing increasing signs again worldwide. While quarantine for 2 weeks was difficult. Going to the hospital to get treatment is expensive. It’s not only a waste of time but also productivity.



Below is the economic impact in US which amounts to 14mn. Globally, it’s uncertain but it’s much larger as data is difficult to receive in some countries. According to US job data above during 2019 to 2020, Americans lost a lot of jobs. In addition, there is news that big tech companies are laying off massive amount of people.

Recent trend suggests that corona virus is back again (including myself), and many others are infected. COVID-19 is the 5th largest killer diseases of all-times so far but it’s not over.




Recent trends for COVID:


Source: CDC

It’s clear that COVID-19 has had a profound effect on many aspects of our lives, from health to economics, and it continues to be a significant global issue. If you have any specific questions or need more information on any of these topics, feel free to ask!

There is many companies trying to develop anti covid drugs. One company called ABION is the one of the few companies that is head of the rest. The blow video will help you un

Below is the economic impact in US which amounts to 14-trillion. Globally, it’s uncertain but it’s much larger.

Understand the concept  (}. If you have any specific questions or need more information on any of these topics, feel free to ask!

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